December 9, 2011


In color this time!~  Go 80's coloring! why it keep auto correct colour??

December 8, 2011

Back For Now!~

Alright let's see if this thing works again....  I'm going to attempt this at least for the week.  Been watching tons of MLP FIM

February 9, 2011


Yeah... it was good while it lasted.  Kind of a struggle during the new year and then BAM super flu for about a week and then downhill from there hahaha.  I guess same with TK the drive isn't there anymore to do one doodle a day.  So this is on hiatus for now till maybe later on in the summer or I feel like picking it up again.  As someone told me, I shouldn't push myself for it otherwise it just isn't fun anymore.

Bye bye for now!~

sorry la!

Ah it's been a while. I haven't been able to catch up. I've lost the mojo for this. The novelty is gone.. and so...I am sorry but it is time to jump off this boat and onto another adventure in a super-heroine team! Maybe Vany and others will join as well? ;) So far it's just me and Solar Cat!