October 13, 2010

dump one

two separate days
we were given words that we were supposed to... illustrate? lol i so cheated the first one
1) jail/game/envelope
2) growth/fingers/joke

social issues painting 1. lol, oddly enough, this series looks similar to the 4ft painting i'm working on... so i added the hands to this as well.

painting 2. 2 more to go... i chose 14"x18" as the size for each and now i think it's too small =.=

i always do tiny garbage thumbnails before turning them into... better, laid-out ideas? idk

the classic hand sketching practice... i'm sure they're supposed to be bigger and better but i was running out of time and had to do another assignment ahah first time doing hands and i'm surprised they aren't that distorted

looking into mirror and sketching yourself... i think i aged myself lol

last week we did contouring with the model in drawing class. it was hard but i think it really helps. we did freestyle sketching of the model after and yeah... looked better than i expected. too bad we had to hand in everything to the teacher. this is some picture on dA

garlic says haaay.

1 comment:

  1. gahhhlicccccc --yes i love contouring! it brings out wonderful raw qualities--as well as good drapery studies XD
