October 13, 2010

♥ Rules of the Game

Yohoho and a bottle of vodka for me--and rum for Vany! XD Too early for Halloween? HAHA. Anyway I though I'd do a post on what the rules are around here just to make it super clear for our little group so far! No confusions necessary (I always spell this word wrong btw)!

  1. Quantity must be 1 doodle for each and every day. That is 365 drawings a year people! You can post more than 1 per day but NOT less! We always encourage more if you can handle it ;) But really, this doodle/day thing is just to see if you can beat the EASY challenge of doing that 1 simple task per day, on time.
  2. Submission time must be for that specific day. If you're still awake but that midnight hr has already passed, just edit your submission post and backtrack the date. It will bring less confusion for everyone~ If you missed that day entirely and went to bed, you can double post the next day. The Elders don't take kindly when that happens too often though XD
  3. Subject could be ANYTHING. And I do mean ANYTHING, no limits! It could be a line, a dot, or nude man on the beach. We don't care. Draw whatever you want~~~~ ;)
  4. In case of absence (you absolutely can't get anything online bc you are on an island with no computer and connection)...you must  keep up with your daily doodles and then do a mass dump later upon your return. This does NOT mean you can make mass dumps when you please. Even if you don't yet have the time to post that pretty picture you made, you must at least make a placeholder (lines/dots/pieceofcrap) in order to fulfill that 1 doodle/day. As long as you have access to a computer and internet, no excuse for just not making a dot, la!
  5. Quality .. why do I even put this here. We really don't give a shit LOL It's a place to give yourself some stability in doing that 1 thing a day, and just doing whatever the hell you want with nobody to judge you. FLEETING MOMENTS!!!!!
THE END. I go check on my rice now. OH-- I was also introduced to this page where you can listen to rain music hahah. I like doing that when I'm doing intense work since it calms me down. I already have rain music on my HD but it's always nice to not load yet another program to drag me down.

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